Sonntag, 10. März 2013

Catrice - I'm Not A Greenager + L'Oréal - Confettis Top Coat

Today I'm going to show you two new nail polishes that I bought last week. I'm trying to be pretty strict these days about which nail polish finds its way into my collection, because ... well, I do have enough of them. Both of these bottles have been on my wish list though: Catrice - I'm Not A Greenager (new range March 2013) is one of those green nail polishes that I wanted to have for a long time now. It's just plain simple green. And I have to say, the color is perfect for me. But I don't recommend buying any of the new Catrice nail polishes. I opened the bottle once and the screw top broke off. And this happened to a lot of people! Besides, they added new brushes which are not the quality I'm used to work with. Fail! 
The second polish is L'Oréal - Confettis, a glitter top coat that I didn't expect to see in drugstores! It's white and black glitter and they almost screwed up by adding blue shimmer (why would they do that?!). But fortunately the shimmer does not really affect the look, it's barely visible on the nails. The two polishes seemed to be a good team, so I added two coats of I'm Not A Greenager and two coats of Confettis on top. I love this combination! 

19 Kommentare:

  1. sieht stark aus! auf dem grün kommt der silberschimmer schon deutlich mehr raus, als auf den nudetönen. das catrice-deckel-problem habe ich auch mit den alten fläschchen :/

    1. Stimmt, man sieht ihn schon eher hier, aber in echt hats mich gar nicht gestoert.
      Echt, mit den Alten auch? Ich fand die immer super, darum bin ich jetzt so enttaeuscht. Aber ich hab auch null Gewalt angewendet oder sowas, einfach zugedreht und kaputt -.-

  2. I'm on a hunt for Confettis, haha :P No luck yet!

  3. i like how it goes with green base. love the topper!

  4. Oh, das mit dem Fläschchen ist ja schon blöd-.-
    Der Loreal Topper ist so wundervoll!!

  5. oh you've found this topper in Switzerland? I looked for it but couldn't find it...

    and so sad for the Catrice! I bought 2 of the new Catrice last week but haven't tried them yet...

    1. I found it at Coop City, and 3 of the 5(?) were already sold out (or not there yet...) They're attached in front of the shelf.

      It's really sad, I do hope they change it soon!

  6. Genau das ist mir gestern auch mit einem Catrice Lack passiert. Zuerst diese schrecklichen Pinsel und die Preiserhöhung und dann fällt die Flasche auch noch bei der nächsten Gelegenheit auseinander. Wirklich ärgerlich!
    Anfangs hatte ich mich noch so über die neuen Farben gefreut, aber jetzt bin ich nur noch enttäuscht :-/

    1. Die Preiserhöhung ist mir noch gar nicht aufgefallen! Ich dachte eigentlich sie sind billiger geworden, da muss ich nochmal nachschauen. Wär ja komisch wenn in der Schweiz mal was billiger wird :) Ich bin auch sehr enttäuscht!

  7. The combo is gorgeous, but what a story about the Catrice bottle cap! Terrible! Luckily I didn't have this experienc (yet) but the brushes are terrible.

  8. Love love love the combo! And your nails <3

  9. Oooh so pretty! It's amazing how you much fun things you can create with this new generation of top coats :-D

    1. Right? I can't wait to try it over different colors!

  10. i so much love the topper" my fav combo is with wint or light blue :)

    love from germany!

  11. Oh... I really love that L'Oreal nail polish! :) Elegant and plain beautiful ;) And the combo with the green is just lovely. I'm really sorry to know that detail about the new Catrice nail polishes, but then again, I'm a bit sad with Catrice... or my country, I'm not sure who's to blame... can you believe that the LE collection Catrice is selling here now is the Coolibri collection? Like... from last year's Spring?... Come on! :(

  12. I am so sad that this isn't in the US. :(


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